Yesterday, my last real day in Korea, I gave a DJ seminar starting around 3pm. It went well, with a great translator and keen participants. Towards the end we got moved to a small room with built-in red couches where we crowded in. Everyone was so interested in my insights to DJing that they were all on the edges of their seats. It was a really special, intense 15 minutes. The people here are so attentive and genuinely interested in learning - very touching. The seminar spilled over about 20 minutes past 5pm which created some excitement because I was supposed to DJ in Daijeon at 8pm and it would take at least 2 hours to drive plus I needed to eat. My ride was antsy to say the least. So I was rushed up the stairs and directed into a stylin' black 4-door sedan with leather seats. We drove 140+ kph half the time to Daijeon, weaving in and out of traffic, but the car was so smooth it didn't even phase me. After eating and one wrong turn, I walked into this funky club at 8:20am with 30 eager people already waiting. After being shown yet another DJ stand with unloved audio components, I got a set of tangos running and started to sense that this was going to be an amazing night. It was an all-nighter with attendees from 5 different towns, and the masses had shown up to see the crazy DJ from Anchorage. Short story I DJ'd for about 7 hours to 3:30am and it was a total rockin' blast with a fun, young crowd. I handed the reins over to a local DJ who continued the night and we ducked out to drive back to Seoul. Hung Yut fought sleep deprivation all the way back to Seoul making for a shaky and stressful ride. We got to sleep about 6:45am, with me pretty fed up with the crazy tango lifestyle that is the exact opposite of my view of a healthy life. I'm shocked that I haven't gotten sick.
Bottom line is that I met some very friendly people and feel a strong pull to visit again just to keep those connections despite how much I contrast with the ultra-urban lifestyle. It was a very, very special chapter in my tango life that I feel very fortunate to have experienced.
1 comment:
Hey Dan,
I finally got a chance to read through your blog and hear what you've been up to. (Stacey just sent me the link). Thanks for sharing your story. Really nice photos too. They brought me right into the scenes. It was like I could hear the people thinking, half a world away.
I look forward to more of the stories soon. Welcome home!
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